National Public Health Research Division

Research Division: &Knowledge Management.

The Research division in the Public Health Insitute of Malawi is dedicated to promote and coordinate all public health related research in the country. The division is responsible for leading in implementing all research activities in the Ministry of Health. It consists of four  key section namely: Human Subject Protection, Research Science, Capacity Building and Knowledge Management. 




1. Weekly Division Planning and Reporting 

2. Division general staff meetings- ¼ry

3. Division Annual and staff work plans

4. Staff appraisals
5. PAFs


Sections under National Pulic Health Research Division



Serves as the Secretariat for the National Health Sciences Research Committee (NHSRC). Protection of human subjects involved in research is paramount. Core functions includes;

Strengthens functional ethical review boards

HFRCC support visits

Review board’s implementation and compliance to bioethical principles

Coordinates various committee meetings i.e. Safety, NHSRC , expedited and adhoc meetings

Strengthens the monitoring of the approved proposal implementation and completion

Develops human subject protection operation and implementation plan.


Full committee

Expedited sub-committee

Inspection sub-committee

Adhoc sub-committee


Responsible for promoting and co- ordinating health re- search studies in Malawi. It develops proposals for studies and coordinate research grant applications. Core fuunctions include;

Identifies priority research areas/questions of public health importance for Malawi

Facilitates the implementation of research

Promotes collaboration between international and local researchers

Responds to research grants and project specific grants

Promotes publication of research findings

Promotes conduct of research studies under One-Health approach (multi-disciplinary & multi-sectoral approach)

Develop research science operational implementation plan.


Focuses on translation, utilisation, sharing and storage of generated knowledge from public health research. Core functions include;

Promotes knowledge sharing, dissemination of research findings and maintenance of functional library services.

Strengthens translation of research findings for policy and practice formulation through the Malawi Knowledge Translation Platform.

Develops evidence briefs for policy makers.

Strengthens national guidelines on use of evidence for decision making

Coordinates knowledge translation platforms

Sets up electronic system for capturing and retrieval documents

Reinforce dissemination of research findings of all approved proposals

Convene annual research dissemination conferences in collaboration with stakeholders


Strengthens and promotes health research capacity within public and private institutions through training in research methods applied to health systems and public health. Works in partnership with various stakeholders to ensure that researchers have the necessary skills to conduct high-quality research. Core Fuctions Include;

Develops and implements research skills training programs

Conducts continuous capacity building initiatives at all levels (National, Institutional, and Individual)

Development of mentorship programs on research implementation

Develops training programs in research grant writing skills Liaises with training institutions to train

PHIM staff in research grants synthesis and knowledge translation.


Dr. Evelyn Chitsa Banda

Deputy Director For National Public Health Research Division

Chikondi Chimbatata

Head of Human Subject Protection

Dr. Dzinkambani Kambalame

Head of Research Science

Dr. Bernard Mvula

Head of Knowledge Management

Bessie Phiri

Head of Capacity Building