Construction of Isolation wards was resumed after the project had stalled due to the absence of Environmental and Social Management plans- a requirement by the World Bank. The project was launched as an emergency response to the outbreak of the Ebola Virus that hit West Africa in 2014. Malawi was at the time identified as one of the countries at risk of getting the virus.

With funding from the World Bank through the National Aids Commission (NAC), the Public Health Institute of Malawi (PHIM) embarked on an Ebola Project that is looking into preparedness, response and control of Ebola and other infectious diseases.

Under this project, PHIM is constructing six isolation shelters in Karonga, Mzuzu, Mchinji, Dedza, Mwanza and Blantyre. A seventh shelter is being constructed at Kamuzu Central Hospital with funds from the Government of Malawi.

The construction of isolation wards also comes with installation of medical incineratos for hospital waste management.

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