Category: Latest News and Events

  • Training Of Laboratory Officers on Fortification Of Food Products Testing In Malawi.

    Training Of Laboratory Officers on Fortification Of Food Products Testing In Malawi.

    Mr Joseph Bitilinyu Bangoh standing in the middle front row, having a group photo with the participants and facilitators.

    The Public Health Institute of Malawi with funding from UNICEF conducted an initial training of the laboratory officer working at the Chemistry, Haematology, Nutrition and Influenza Reference Laboratory, a department of the National Public Health  Laboratory(NPHL). The meeting was opened by the Deputy Director responsible for NPHL Mr Joseph Bitilinyu Bangoh who, in the opening remarks, thanked the organizers of the training and the facilitators. He shed more light on the importance of the training in certifying food fortification by industries in Malawi. He further highlighted the activeness of the PHIM in many disease outbreak responses and the mandate it has in tackling issues of public health importance, seeing as an example current work on the Mpox outbreak threat. He further encouraged the participants to take the course seriously as the public looks up to the laboratory to safeguard the consumption of safe and nutritious food in Malawi.
    Days went unnoticed as the journey on fortification testing went very interesting

    The coordinator of the training workshop Mr. Henry Limula, Chief laboratory Scientist responsible for The Chemistry, Haematology, Nutrition and Influenza Reference Laboratory, in his speech emphasised the importance of determining the level of fortification of food. He hailed the collaboration PHIM has with stakeholders and partners in Malawi. He told the participants to put much of their effort into understanding the testing protocols.

    Mr Henry Limula, head of the Chemistry, Haematology, Influenza and Nutrition
    National Reference Laboratory.

    The training aimed to empower laboratory officers with the knowledge and skills required to conduct food fortification tests.

    Laboratory officers testing food products during training.

    Fortification of sugar, oil, wheat, and maize flour became mandatory in Malawi, and a gazette of standards was published in 2016. Edible oil is fortified with vitamin A. Raw, refined sugar is fortified with vitamin A. Maize and wheat flour is fortified with Vitamin A and Iron. Salt is fortified with Iodine. The training comprised 3 days of theory and 2 days of practicum.

    The Ministry of Health (MOH) through the Environmental Health Directorate manages food fortification monitoring nationwide through district market and household surveillance. Samples are collected, quarterly, and tested at the National Nutrition Reference Laboratory (NNRL) at the Public Health Institute of Malawi. Results are sent to MOH with copies sent to districts For decision-making, reports are generated and shared with the National Fortification Alliance, and nutrition technical working group, and these feed into the National Nutrition Committee.

  • World Health Organisation Donates Assorted Laboratory Items to National Public Health Laboratory.

    World Health Organisation Donates Assorted Laboratory Items to National Public Health Laboratory.

    NPHL, Lilongwe-Malawi – August 15th, 2024. The Deputy Director of PHIM responsible for NPHL Mr Joseph Bitilinyu Bangoh and WHO Country representative Dr. Gertrude Chapotela jovial on the donation.

    World Health Organisation (WHO) Malawi office donated assorted laboratory items to the National Public Health Laboratory (NPHL) at the Public Health Institute of Malawi (PHIM)-Lilongwe.

    Mr. Sheinton Kacheche, Chief Laboratory Scientist and Head of NPHL, faithfully offering an opening prayer.

    Soon after blessing the occasion, Mrs Dorothy Moyo, Chief Laboratory Scientist also the head of the National Tuberculosis Reference Laboratory (NTRL) in her capacity as the master of ceremony welcomed the team and gave a flow to Mr Sheinton Kacheche, Chief Laboratory Scientist head of the National Parasitology Reference Laboratory to open the ceremony with a word of a prayer.

    Mr. Mabvuto Chiwaula, Chief Laboratory Scientist the head of National Microbiology Reference Laboratory (NMRL) made an opening remarks by thanking the WHO for the timely support it provides to PHIM. He also thanked the team of PHIM that gathered to witness the donation of laboratory items and added that the items will be used according to the requirement and serve the purpose.

    Dr. Getrude Chapotela, WHO

    Dr Getrude Chapotela, a country representative for WHO made her speech to appreciate the purpose of the donation. In her speech appreciated the good work NPHRL is doing for the Malawi population by ensuring the availability of laboratory services in times of emergencies. She said that WHO saw it important to support NPHRL in its readiness to respond to Monkey Pox, commonly called Mpox, a threat Malawi is currently having. She assured PHIM that WHO is there to support in all aspects apart from just laboratory items.

    The Deputy Director Mr Joseph Bitilinyu Bangoh made an appreciation speech on behalf of the PHIM Director Dr Matthews Kagoli for the donation. In his speech, he thanked the Director of PHIM Dr Matthews Kagoli for his good leadership and WHO for the timely support of the items worth 15 million Kwacha which he said will support NPHRL in its testing capabilities.

    Team WHO & PHIM with one accord

    He said the donation would go a long way in helping the Public Health Institute of Malawi meet the answer the needs of the people of Malawi. He said the assaulted devices and accessories devices and accessories were of higher quality to help in sample transportation, processing, storage as well as waste management. He further lamented the lack of transport the NPRL is facing in times of supervision and other activities. He lobbied for the donation of a vehicle through, Dr Nellie of WHO, to ease the transport problem.

  • Strengthening Collaboration for Effective Project Implementation: Fleming Fund Country Grant Meets with PHIM Laboratories Leadership.

    Strengthening Collaboration for Effective Project Implementation: Fleming Fund Country Grant Meets with PHIM Laboratories Leadership.

    Lilongwe, Malawi – August 14, 2024 – Director for NPHL Mr. Joseph Bitilinyu Bangoh, alongside the National Microbiology Reference Laboratory (NMRL) and the National Genomic Sequencing Laboratory
    management teams.

    The Fleming Fund Country Grant recently convened a strategic meeting with the Deputy
    Director of PHIM Laboratories Mr. Joseph Bitilinyu Bangoh, alongside the National
    Microbiology Reference Laboratory (NMRL) and the National Genomic Sequencing Laboratorymanagement teams. The primary focus of the meeting was to reinforce the collaboration between PHIM Laboratories and the Fleming Fund Country Grant while clarifying the critical roles these laboratories play in the successful implementation of the project.

    Recognising the pivotal role that Public Health Reference Laboratories play in generating high-quality data for national surveillance, the Fleming Fund is committed to enhancing the capacity of both the National Microbiology Reference Laboratory and the National Genomic Sequencing Laboratory. Strengthening these laboratories is essential to producing reliable data that informs evidence-based policy decisions.